2018 Farm Bill is Historic for Legalizing Hemp Oil, CBD Water, and Other CBD Products

Article Provided by Express CBD Store

As it pertains to the topic of Hemp and CBD, the 2018 Farm Bill has plenty of information on the subject of Hemp and CBD. Indeed, the Farm Bill discusses things like Hemp water, CBD water, Hemp Oil, and CBD oil.

Mitch McConnell (R. Kentucky), has been a crucial part in passing hemp product regulations. Specifically, McConnell helped to remove hemp from the list of illegal drugs. Because of this action, farmers can procure insurance for the growing of hemp crops.

Under the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 aka the 2018 “Farm Bill,” the definition of hemp now includes seeds, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, salts, salts of isomers as well as acids. Regarding state oversight, various states will have to regulate hemp farming in their jurisdictions. The US states are required to submit their plans to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regarding how they plan to regulate hemp and CBD.

The House and Senate Agriculture Committee had reached an agreement in late November of 2018 concerning the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. There was an earlier version of the Farm Bill that had expired in October 2018.

Moving forward, the language of the “Farm Bill” needs to be finalized. The Congressional Budget Office will provide their input about the costs of the Farm Bill. The Senate and the House of Representatives would both need to pass this legislation. If Congress does pass the Farm Bill, President Trump would have to sign the “Farm Bill” into law. The idea of CBD oils being available in all 50 states if the Farm Bill is enacted into law is a looming topic of discussion in 2019.


Express CBD Store offers CBD and Hemp based products such as CBD Oil and Hemp Water. CBD has been shown to have many health benefits. Disclaimer: Just4LifeProducts does not claim that its products will improve any health conditions, so you should make your own judgment based on available info and research.