The world is health-obsessed as more and more research emerges on what is good and bad for your health. However, research on vitamin D deficiency has been widely available, and the research suggests that more than 60% of people in colder climates suffer from vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiencies can cause many health concerns which include Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Therefore, ensuring you get enough vitamin D is an easy way to stay healthy and strong. Here are four people who are at risk for vitamin deficiency.
Adults over 55 – People tend to become less mobile after 55, which gives them less sun exposure. Studies also show that older people with less vitamin D, are more susceptible to fractures.
Office workers – If you do a nine to five office job and don’t get much sun exposure, the chances are high that you will not receive sufficient vitamin D.
People with darker skin – People with darker skin absorb less vitamin D, compared to fairer people. This is because darker skins have more melanin, making it harder for their skin to absorb vitamin D from the sun.
Inflammatory bowel disease patients – Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it will depend on your gut’s ability to take in fat for the vitamin to be absorbed. Those with inflammatory bowel disease will find it difficult to retain fat and often will consume less fat to ease symptoms, which makes it even harder for vitamin D absorption.