Should You Take Magnesium Supplements?

Around 80% of the American population has a magnesium deficiency. The adverse effects of such a deficiency might in time become quite significant and can even be worsened by other drug treatments. The importance of magnesium for the body takes various forms. Magnesium performs a large amount of biological functions. Some examples of these functions include the activation of the muscles and nerves and the production of energy in the body.

Magnesium also contributes to the overall health of the cardiovascular system. A person consuming an excess of calcium presents the risk of heart attacks and strokes, if the diet is not counterbalanced with magnesium. The ratio of magnesium to calcium that a person should be intaking is 1:1. The daily recommended dose is of  700 mg for each of them. Apart from its benefits when taken alongside with calcium, magnesium also synergizes with others vitamins such as K2 and the D3.

Moreover, magnesium is naturally laxative and is effective in treating constipation. It is often used for the preparation of the bowel before operations. It is also used in treating dyspepsia or heartburn. In the case of heartburn, magnesium acts as a powerful antacid and alleviates the heartburn. In pregnant women, it is administered intravenously to treat pre-eclampsia and eclampsia (high blood pressure). A high blood pressure in pregnant women may lead to the development of seizures. Magnesium helps reduce such risk.

For healthy individuals and well as athletes, a regular consumption of magnesium helps to release energy and promotes endurance.