Do you pee yourself when you run; here are the reasons why

Issues like leakage or an overactive bladder can leave you looking for the loo and wearing dark bottoms. Here are some tips that can reduce leakage and make running and exercise a lot less embarrassing.

Do not blindly accept it – It is said that 40% of frequent female runners and those who engage in high impact exercise, experience leakage. However, although this is common, you should aim to go at least 2-3 hours without needing a pee break.

Are you too weak or tense – If your pelvic floor muscles are weak, you should add Kegels to improve your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor muscles can weaken and stretch due to pregnancy and childbirth, hormonal shifts, and the force of gravity over time. This causes the entire structure including the bladder to sag. Therefore, pressure from running, coughing, laughing or sneezing can cause leakage. Other women may have pelvic floor strength, and the constant clenching can cause lack of support and leakage. If this is the case, you will also show other signs, like pain during intercourse or trouble inserting a tampon.

Don’t drink too much or too little – Some runners need to drink less before a run and look at consuming small amounts of water while running. Others will find it difficult if they are poorly hydrated. This can cause your urine to get concentrated and irritate the bladder, causing the urge to pee or leak. The best way to test, which works best for you, is to try both when you are training for a run/race. It is best to do this close to your home or on a treadmill at a gym to avoid any embarrassment.